Transport Statistics component shows statistics related to Transports and it will be available with the WSO2 Carbon Iridium (version 3.0.0) release. It displays the Transports which are implementing
the interface org.apache.axis2.transport.base.ManagementSupport. These transport statistics include bytes received, bytes sent, faults receiving, faults sending,last reset time, max size received, max size sent, messages received, messages sent, metrics window, min size received, min size sent, queue size, timeouts receiving, timeouts sending.
- In the navigator, under Monitor, click Transport Statistics. The Transport Statistics page appears.
- The entry page lists down all the exposed Tranports which have implemented the ManagementSupport interface (Figure 1). The graph gives an aggregated view of the bytes received/ bytes sent vs time for all transports.
- Click on a link to view the relevant statistics which relates to a transport (Figure 2). The graph gives a drilled down view of the bytes received/ bytes sent vs time for a specific transport.
- Each link will take you to a new page that displays the transport statistics exposed by JMX. These data are the data which is shown in the jconsole and we are giving an aggregated view of the transport stats.
- These transport statistics include bytes received, bytes sent, faults receiving, faults sending, last reset time, max size received, max size sent, messages received, messages sent, metrics window, min size received, min size sent, queue size, timeouts receiving, timeouts sending.